One of the critical features in oil and gas industry is the active maintenance management within the machinery to establish both, the conditions for the safe ongoing operation of the plant and supporting the commercial success of the business. Companies need to understand the benefits of regular maintenance and overlook their cost for that matter. Eventually, effective maintenance management contributes to the oil and gas field equipment success.


Proper maintenance for industry equipment helps in extending equipment life and hence saves your time and money. While many industry owners see paying for preventive maintenance as unnecessary spending, the truth is that without the maintenance, the industries will often be left with more expensive repairs.

Equipment Runs Efficiently in the Long Run

Regular maintenance of equipment keeps them running efficiently in the long run. The new equipment runs like a well-oiled machine, and when equipment runs efficiently, projects run smoothly and at times, ahead of schedule. The new equipment gradually turn old as a result, their efficiency diminishes, and the key factor is to maintain that level of equipment efficiency. When maintenance of equipment suffers, its productivity suffers as well. So to keep your equipment running like new, keep its maintenance in check.

Fixing Small Problems over time is Less Expensive

It’s easy to overlook the small problems with your equipment and think that it might make no sense to spend the time and money and get them inspected or restored when it is far more convenient to work around it. Still, the fact is eventually that it is going to cost you even more. The small problems if not stopped on time, can grow into more significant issues and may charge you way more than the repairs.

Huge problems also often translate to more downtime, which eventually keeps you behind schedule, making you unable to take new projects. Additionally, you will have to pay to the employees on the clock that were scheduled to work with that piece of equipment despite knowing that they are not able to work temporarily because of the equipment downtime.

Stops Small Problems from Growing

At work, we often see that some things are not working the way it used to, but it doesn’t make a massive difference to our job, so we continue to make adjustments and work thing around how to use the piece of equipment and keep things moving. No matter how efficient this method seems like in the short run but implementing it would mean inviting more troubles in the future. Oilfield equipment companies continuously work towards keeping equipment fully maintained. If you notice something odd about a piece of equipment in your oil and gas industry you must look into the matter and call the experts to get it resolved to avoid the problem from growing into something bigger without addressing it at all.

Fewer Injuries and Fatalities

Oil and gas industry work in an environment where they are put at risk of accidents on the job. One of the possible causes of accidents can even contact with objects and equipment. And if those equipment is not being services regularly, there’s a chance it can cause problems for the employees. Suppose you keep working around a piece of equipment that isn’t working efficiently. In that case, you are increasing the chances of a workplace injury or fatalities as a result of equipment failure.

Workplace fatalities and injuries are tragic and cause the company’s morale to suffer. No matter how many safety training you and your employees have been through, they still do not have control over equipment failure. The unexpected breakdowns are bound to happen to machines but what you can do to reduce them is to be proactive about your oil and gas field equipment maintenance. The most significant advantage of taking proactive steps in reducing the number of injuries and fatalities on site is to get the regular maintenance done over time.

Maximises Warranty Coverage

Warranties of equipment often require detailed service records for them to be covered. So If you have invested in a new piece of equipment or a piece that is lightly used and can get covered under warranty you will have some motivation to stay on top of routine equipment maintenance.

Investing the time in keeping routine maintenance in check makes sense when you have spent the good amount of money in purchasing a new piece of equipment that comes with the warranty coverage. Not only you will need to keep the maintenance up to date, but you will also need to keep the detailed records and receipts of the service history. You require the documentation to show that those repairs are necessary despite keeping up with the routine maintenance on the piece of equipment.


The realisation of the importance of equipment maintenance is the start; next comes the knowledge of what to do to make sure you are increasing the life of your equipment. There are a variety of oil and gas field equipment models, each with its unique design and specific parts. Irrespective of the type, there are several ways you can extend the equipment life.

Examine Equipment Technology

Equipment technology has come a long way in the past few decades, which enables you to monitor them quite easily. Many equipment models come with different sensors that tell if something isn’t working correctly. However, you have to make sure that there is someone to monitor the technology and collect data on equipment and performance. This technology is only helpful when someone is there to bring it to your attention when a sensor detects something wrong.

Training Operators and Technicians

The human resource is the most efficient one in industries, what good is technology if there’s no one to monitor or test it anyway proactively? You will require trained operators to understand the problem with your equipment and trained technicians to know how to fix them. After detecting the problems with your equipment, your next step must be to reach out to the oil field equipment suppliers for maintenance. When it comes to maintenance, Parveen industries provides total maintenance solution on a turnkey basis for the entire lifecycle of oil and gas equipment.

At Parveen Industries Pvt. Ltd. we provide a wide range of services, designed to help improve equipment reliability, reduce downtime and lower total cost of ownership. Our state-of-the-art maintenance and manufacturing facilities are fully capable of responding quickly to our clients’ needs.
