The PARVEEN ‘JD’ & ‘JU’ Series Pulling Tools are used to engage and retrieve equipment with external fishing necks. The ‘JD’ series pulling tool is designed to shear and release by downward jarring. This feature allows the ‘JD’ series pulling tool to be used as a running tool. The ‘JU’ series pulling tool is designed to shear and release by upward jarring.

These tools are available with three different types of cores:

  1. JDC/JUC : Long core, short reach.
  2. JDS/JUS : Medium core, medium reach.
  3. JDL/JUL : Short core, long reach.

Either of the above types can be converted to another type by changing the core. All other parts remain same.

Pulling Tools (‘JD’ & ‘JU’ Series) Supplier in Nigeria - Parveen Industries Pvt Ltd